The forthcoming Adult Religious Education 5 week course, to be held on consecutive Wednesdays in the Parish Centre, starts on Wednesday Sept 30th at 8.00pm.
The old saying that 'times change' has never been more true. We live in a fast-paced and often bewildering world in which cherished truths and certainties are often challenged. When it comes to our spiritual and religious beliefs there are many people who are genuinely searching for a way of life that is authentic and real. One problem is that there have been changes in many aspects of Christianity and Catholicism over the past decades. It is not an exaggeration to say that sometimes people don't know what to believe. There is a generation of us who have lived through these enormous changes and suffered the loss of an opportunity to learn, as adults, the true meaning of what it means to be a disciple of Christ in the 21st century. We have many questions and at times may feel that we disagree or have a different 'take' on issues related to the search for God and meaning in our lives.
This short course will not be able to address all of these issues nor answer all of your questions. It would be foolish to attempt to do this. But what it will try to do is offer you the opportunity to re-examine and reflect on life as a journey of the spirit and to identify some of the resources and practices which can help you to keep in touch with your deeper self. This in turn, will lead to a deeper understanding of the Mystery that is God and our life in God.
Needless to say, you will be made feel very welcome and the setting will be relaxed, informal and friendly throughout. Won't you join us?
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