Thursday, September 24, 2009


Its quite common today to hear someone say that they are spiritual, but not religious. The phrase can be puzzling as its not always certain what a person understands or means by the term 'spiritual' and 'religious'. The following article tries to tease out the issues and examine the questions which arise in the spiritual/religious debate in an American context. Read it a couple of times and see if you can identify what the author sees as spiritual and what he sees as religious. Or is that distinction valid?

Robert C. Fuller is Professor of Religious Studies at Bradley University

From "Spiritual, But Not Religious," by Robert C. Fuller.

A large number of Americans identify themselves as "spiritual but not religious." It is likely that perhaps one in every five persons (roughly half of all the unchurched) could describe themselves in this way. This phrase probably means different things to different people. The confusion stems from the fact that the words "spiritual" and "religious" are really synonyms. Both connote belief in a Higher Power of some kind. Both also imply a desire to connect, or enter into a more intense relationship, with this Higher Power. And, finally, both connote interest in rituals, practices, and daily moral behaviors that foster such a connection or relationship.

Before the 20th century the terms religious and spiritual were used more or less interchangeably. But a number of modern intellectual and cultural forces have accentuated differences between the "private" and "public" spheres of life. The increasing prestige of the sciences, the insights of modern biblical scholarship, and greater awareness of cultural relativism all made it more difficult for educated American to sustain unqualified loyalty to religious institutions. Many began to associate genuine faith with the "private" realm of personal experience rather than with the "public" realm of institutions, creeds, and rituals. The word spiritual gradually came to be associated with a private realm of thought and experience while the word religious came to be connected with the public realm of membership in religious institutions, participation in formal rituals, and adherence to official denominational doctrines.

A group of social scientists studied 346 people representing a wide range of religious backgrounds in an attempt to clarify what is implied when individuals describe themselves as "spiritual, but not religious." Religiousness, they found, was associated with higher levels of interest in church attendance and commitment to orthodox beliefs. Spirituality, in contrast, was associated with higher levels of interest in mysticism, experimentation with unorthodox beliefs and practices, and negative feelings toward both clergy and churches. Most respondents in the study tried to integrate elements of religiousness and spirituality. Yet 19 percent of their sample constituted a separate category best described as "spiritual, not religious." Compared with those who connected interest in private spirituality with membership in a public religious group, the "spiritual, but not religious" group was less likely to evaluate religiousness positively, less likely to engage in traditional forms of worship such as church attendance and prayer, less likely to engage in group experiences related to spiritual growth, more likely to be agnostic, more likely to characterize religiousness and spirituality as different and nonoverlapping concepts, more likely to hold nontraditional beliefs, and more likely to have had mystical experiences.

Those who see themselves as "spiritual, but not religious" reject traditional organized religion as the sole-or even the most valuable-means of furthering their spiritual growth. Many have had negative experiences with churches or church leaders. For example, they may have perceived church leaders as more concerned with building an organization than promoting spirituality, as hypocritical, or as narrow-minded. Some may have experienced various forms of emotional or even sexual abuse.

Forsaking formal religious organizations, these people have instead embraced an individualized spirituality that includes picking and choosing from a wide range of alternative religious philosophies. They typically view spirituality as a journey intimately linked with the pursuit of personal growth or development. A woman who joined a meditation center after going through a divorce and experiencing low self-esteem offers an excellent example. All she originally sought was a way to lose weight and get her life back on track. The Eastern religious philosophy that accompanied the meditation exercises was of little or no interest to her. Yet she received so many benefits from this initial exposure to alternative spiritual practice that she began experimenting with other systems including vegetarianism, mandalas, incense, breathing practices, and crystals. When interviewed nine years later by sociologist Marilyn McGuire, this woman reported that she was still "just beginning to grow" and she was continuing to shop around for new spiritual insights.

McGuire found that many spiritual seekers use the "journey" image to describe a weekend workshop or retreat-the modern equivalents of religious pilgrimages. The fact that most seekers dabble or experiment rather than making once-and-forever commitments is in McGuire's opinion "particularly apt for late modern societies with their high degrees of pluralism, mobility and temporally limited social ties, communications, and voluntarism."

Finally, we also know a few things about today's unchurched seekers as a group. They are more likely than other Americans to have a college education, to belong to a white-collar profession, to be liberal in their political views, to have parents who attended church less frequently, and to be more independent in the sense of having weaker social relationships. Quantitative data about how those who are "spiritual, but not religious" differ socially and economically from their church counterparts is helpful. But it is difficult to move to a more qualitative understanding. We don't fully understand how unchurched Americans assemble various bits and pieces of spiritual philosophy into a meaningful whole. We are even further from understanding how to compare the overall spirituality of unchurched persons with that of those who belong to spiritual institutions.

Spirituality exists wherever we struggle with the issue of how our lives fit into the greater cosmic scheme of things. This is true even when our questions never give way to specific answers or give rise to specific practices such as prayer or meditation. We encounter spiritual issues every time we wonder where the universe comes from, why we are here, or what happens when we die. We also become spiritual when we become moved by values such as beauty, love, or creativity that seem to reveal a meaning or power beyond our visible world. An idea or practice is "spiritual" when it reveals our personal desire to establish a felt-relationship with the deepest meanings or powers governing life.


What is the point of belonging to a church when you can simply make your spiritual journey alone?

Is it possible to be spiritual without in some way adopting and using value systems and rituals from some religious tradition?

Why do you think people mark this difference between spiritual realm and religious realm?

When did the debate about being spiritual but not religious start?

What caused it?

Where can a person find support and encouragement for their spiritual journey?

Can you name 3 figures in the New Testament who might fit the description 'spiritual but not religious' until they encountered Jesus?

Do you find that you can accept easily people who describe themselves as spiritual only?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wed. Sept. 30th and Wed Oct. 28th

Fr. Joseph Cullen is a Dominican priest from the priory in Tallaght and overall organiser of "Where is your God?" He has been involved in a wide range of pastoral ministries over the years, including school and parish work. As a tutor with the priory institute's distance learning programme in theology, Fr. Joseph is responsible for the academic grounding of adult learners in theology and spirituality. He has written for The Sunday Letter and Scripture in Church and holds qualifications in spirituality and adult religious education.

As you know, our course here in Blessington ("Where is your God") will run over 5 Wednesday evenings, starting on Wed. Sept. 30th and ending on Wed. Oct 28th. Fr. Joseph will lead the first and the last evenings - entitled "Spiritual but not really religious" and "Bringing it all back home" respectively.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Wednesday October 7th 2009

Eileen O' Brien is from north county Dublin, lives in Co. Cavan and is married to David. A former full time member of the retreat team at Manresa,the Jesuit retreat centre, Eileen worked as a secondary school teacher in the North of Ireland and was a Prayer Guide at Knock Shrine, Co. Mayo. Returning to formal studies in 2003, she was awarded a Masters Degree in spirituality from the Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy.
Eileen is also a qualified Spiritual Director and assists with directed retreats as well as giving courses in adult religious education. An open and gentle spirit enables her to assist people with their prayer and spiritual progress - she is a very popular and much loved bearer of the Good News of God's compassion and grace. We are sure that you will find her evening both challenging and reassuring - "prayer is already begun in you".

Wednesday Night Oct 14th 2009

Fr. John Littleton is a very well known priest, both here and in the U.K. As former President of the National Conference of Priests of Ireland, he is often called on to comment or a offer a view on current issues concerning the churches here. He is Head of Distance Education - for a programme in theology studied by lay people in their homes through the distant learning method. Adult learners from all over the country are currently involved in this programme. It is possible to obtain a Certificate or a Diploma and even a Degree in theology through The Priory Institute.

A priest of the Archdiocese of Cashel and Emly, Fr. John is in constant demand as a retreat leader, preacher of missions, novenas and days of prayer. He writes weekly columns for several newspapers and has published three books on theology and Roman Catholicism in the 21st century. His main area of expertise lies in the study of the Scriptures. A man of wisdom and great humour, we are delighted to have him to lead the third evening of our course.

Wednesday Night Oct 21st 2009

Christine Clear has a background in philosophy, spirituality and media studies. A graduate of Trinity College Dublin and Milltown Institute, Sandford Rd., Christine is currently co-ordinator of an initiative of the Carmelite order, in Clarendon St., known as the Living Room. People are welcome to drop in during the daytime to find a quiet space for breathing, reflection or to chat about the part spirituality plays in their lives. People of all faiths and none find an open door and a warm welcome there.
Christine has been involved in retreat work with teenagers at The Retreat and Conference Centre in Tallaght and as an educator and facilitator for adult education programmes and courses. She taught spirituality in Belvedere College and at Milltown Institute, and is in great demand as a speaker and a commentator on current issues and interests in the wider area of spirituality in the Ireland of today. Everyone attending or taking part in her courses speak of her warmth and friendliness and we know that we will gain much from Christine's contribution to our evenings in the Parish Centre in Blessington.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Welcome to our Autumn 2009 programme

Where is Your God? (Psalm 42:3)
Finding a spirituality that is life-giving in today’s world
We will have five evenings offering opportunities to explore key elements in Christian Living. They will focus on prayer, the scriptures and practical approaches to Christian spirituality in everyday life.

Week One - 30th September
“Spiritual but not really religious”
Joe Cullen

Week Two - 7th October
“Only a heartbeat away”
Prayer & Meditation
Eileen O’Brien

Week Three - 14th October
“Dust on the Bible, rust on the Soul”
John Littleton

Week Four - 21st October
“Spirituality for the Ireland of Today”
The wider world of Spirituality
Christine Clear

Week Five - 28th October
“Bringing it all back home”
Joe Cullen

Sunday, September 13, 2009

"Where is Your God"?

The forthcoming Adult Religious Education 5 week course, to be held on consecutive Wednesdays in the Parish Centre, starts on Wednesday Sept 30th at 8.00pm.

The old saying that 'times change' has never been more true. We live in a fast-paced and often bewildering world in which cherished truths and certainties are often challenged. When it comes to our spiritual and religious beliefs there are many people who are genuinely searching for a way of life that is authentic and real. One problem is that there have been changes in many aspects of Christianity and Catholicism over the past decades. It is not an exaggeration to say that sometimes people don't know what to believe. There is a generation of us who have lived through these enormous changes and suffered the loss of an opportunity to learn, as adults, the true meaning of what it means to be a disciple of Christ in the 21st century. We have many questions and at times may feel that we disagree or have a different 'take' on issues related to the search for God and meaning in our lives.

This short course will not be able to address all of these issues nor answer all of your questions. It would be foolish to attempt to do this. But what it will try to do is offer you the opportunity to re-examine and reflect on life as a journey of the spirit and to identify some of the resources and practices which can help you to keep in touch with your deeper self. This in turn, will lead to a deeper understanding of the Mystery that is God and our life in God.

Needless to say, you will be made feel very welcome and the setting will be relaxed, informal and friendly throughout. Won't you join us?