West Wicklow Adult
Religious Education Centre
Sincere thanks to everyone who responded to our recent consultation process regarding proposed courses in our Centre. We had a fantastic response. Most interest was expressed in courses in the areas of prayer, spirituality and the Bible.
We are now delighted to offer our first pilot course, which will run over five consecutive Wednesday nights commencing on Wednesday 30th September (8.00pm - 9.30pm), covering these three areas. Specific course details will be available in next week’s newsletter. There are 20 places available on the course and the course will cost €5 per night or €20 for all five sessions if paid in advance. A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to all who complete the course. To enrol please phone the Parish Office 045 865327 or email office@blessington.info. We know from your feedback that many more of you are interested in other areas and your feedback will be considered in formulating future programmes at the Centre.